Ghost Rights Activism - The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ghosts. The society was formed by The B-Starred Phantom to protect the rights of ghosts abused and exploited by the tourism industry, on ghost tours and hunts that ridicule them and invade their homes and resting places. A group of core members was recruited from among the living and the dead, and from the far reaches of limbo - Rita Ectoplasm, Brain in a Vat, Deadarm and Boris K. McNeil the taxidermied shark. Since the early days, the society has become involved in much wider projects of all kinds on the boundaries, and has become an intensely valuable network of support for lost and vulnerable spirits. This site is for audio sessions conducted by the group’s only wholy living member, Rita Ectoplasm, to raise awareness of the society’s mission. Exploring and simulating such phenomena as EVP, telekenisis and mediumship, recording voices on tape, static and radio, the Afterlife Telephone, directions in strange topography, fables of the Brain in a Vat - the living and the dead. What does it really mean if you’ve got goosebumps? As ever, ghost rights activism is not cheap - all donations are welcome. If you have any concerns or information, please feel free to get in touch by the usual methods.


The B-Starred Phantom - founder, co-ordinator and communicator.

Rita Ectoplasm - recording, EVP, video, manifestation, life-side correspondent, experimentor.

Brain in a Vat - mythology, library and archive, advice, boundary work.

Boris K. McNeil - secretary.

Deadarm - rowing (on the other side), EVP, sneak attacks.