Fukachuk egg machine started long before the first album, ‘rats and perineum.’ Maybe that was when fukachuk as a musical band began, but fukachuk as an idea, a way of thought and life began several years earlier. It was around 1993, when I was in the band dads with no face with my best friend Terry where the ideas first began. I was at a very dark place in my life and we started work on the album Life Sucks, When I started writing the story of what to become essentially a way I would forever live my life. It was about a boy and a girl… the way most classic tales are, and loss and sorrow, and death and life… and he was only ever called ‘the boy’ we would later find out that the girl was Jenny. Now Jenny isn’t anyone’s name or any one in the real world… not too much one person as she was an idea of something to cherish. And she plays a significant role in what would become a brand new world. At any rate The boy and Jenny were on a quest, it was really the boy’s quest more than it was hers…but she had to come along. He was searching for the tree of reason. The tree of reason is perhaps a real tree, but more than likely it is a state of perfect inner peace, where everything is good and all is right with your own personal world… ‘at the tree of reason everyone is kind…’ as the song goes. Me and Terry one day made the song ‘The Tree of Reason’ it explained exactly where it was that I wanted to get to… and the tree was very, very far off. Perhaps unreachable, ever. But it was a goal, and if I may use religious terms, it was like heaven. When you find religion it makes you want to reach certain goals.. like to find the tree of reason.. and it changes you, to some extent and makes you want to be a better person so you can get to your goal. Fukachuk egg machine is about getting to that place of peace, and about all the things that surround the tree that keep you from it. This is where the world of fukachuk develops. It comes from all the things that prevent you from becoming all you should be. And the desperation of the search. So at first all I had was the tree, and from around it grew a larger and larger world of strife. There are many characters that represent varying aspects of life who live there… and places that signify all the things you will go through. The Gentle Boneless Leg Dog lives in this place… he is a shell of a man, half human, half something completely alien… he has had a difficult and tiring search for the tree… he wasn’t always the boneless leg dog, a long time ago he was the boy. The boy who turned to surgery boy when he had his heart taken out. When he had to live in the room on the hill surrounded by the sticks that only ever appear in groups of three. The room on the hill, where all the rules are written clearly on the wall, the rules that he must obey. DO NOT LOOK BACK. DO NOT LOOK OUT YOUR WINDOW. DO NOT FEEL PRIDE. DO NOT BREED. DO NOT OPEN EYES. DO NOT LEARN. DO NOT DREAM. DO NOT HOPE. DO NOT HAVE YOUR OWN THOUGHTS. DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR EXISTENCE IS WORTHLESS. After a life time and more of following these rules a lizard crawled through the window and whispered in his ear that he should look out the window. And when he did he saw nothing but dead sticks staring at him. He left, but when he did he was the gentle boneless leg dog. Never causing harm but never helping the people who are in need… people on the road to the tree of reason. But always watching. There are a few main elements that make up the mythology of this fukachuk world. Firstly the tree of reason, also there are the three sticks, and the lizards. On the outskirts of the city you will find the rolling hills, that’s where surgery boy’s room is, and also the underground safe room which is talked about on the first album in the song ‘the room’. Beyond this place is the dead forest of the three sticks… sticks that grow from the ground, always in groups of three. They block you from the tree at all cost. The are the impassable gate to salvation and happiness. And all through this wasteland live the lizards. The beautiful lizards who do all they can for anyone who truly believes they are doing what they think is right. And their queen, the lizard girl. She isn’t like Jenny. She is pure and complete. And most of all untouchable. She is all you could be if you could ever reach the tree of reason… perhaps a little more. It was this sense of reaching the untouchable that made up a lot of the first three fukachuk egg machine albums… being stuck downtown and at one special moment just getting a taste of what it would be like to have the lizard girl close to you, and then having it all stripped away. The loss and sadness is unbelievable. There was a lot of loss in the first three albums, they were all recorded in a period of about three months. However there were a few songs from rats and perineum that were recorded several months earlier. The tree of No reason being one of them. It was at a point in my life (one of many) where I knew that the whole idea of the tree of reason was an impossible dream. I duct taped the microphone to a stick and stuck it in the cushions of my couch to keep it still, and I played my guitar and sung the song. It was time for it to start. That was the first ever fukachuk egg machine song. It was actually written about two years earlier, but I could never bring myself to record it. But I did that night, after everyone had gone to sleep on an old ghetto blaster. I put the song on the SC 15th Anniversary three cassette compilation album, and that’s when I realized that I need a name for the band (which was just me.) The name means this: Egg machine, it is how I felt at the time. As though I was being used specifically to make babies. Now I know that men do not have eggs… but I was basically in a traditional woman’s role in my relationship at the time. And I have often felt that men basically don’t understand a lot of the things that I tend to feel a lot of the time, it gets confusing, but it doesn’t really matter. Fukachuk comes from a day years and years before when me and a couple of my friends were just hanging out at my place and talking about what we would name our children if we ever had them… I can’t remember who said it anymore, but Fuckachuk Kolodychuk was said at one point and I thought it was funny, from then on when ever our band made a new record I would write down that it was mixed by DJ Fuckachuk. Sort of my child-like alter ego if you will. I changed the spelling to FUK instead of FUCK when I came up with fukachuk egg machine, just so it wouldn’t be as offensive. I think it has probably failed to be less offensive, and I know for one that my dad hates it. But I think I am stuck with it now, and personally I don’t mind it at all, it has been years since I have even made a connection to the fact that there is sort of a ‘swear word’ in the name of my band. But anyway, the name is about how someone with the spirit of a child can be used and abused into becoming nothing more than a machine to do the biddings of others. The song ‘eggs for sale’ is more or less about all of this. At any rate the first album was about loss… not just loss of the lizard girl, but all loss I have suffered. A lot of the songs were old, dating from about 1991- 1993 and were about certain losses suffered back then. There was a group of friends that were very important to me at that time, and after a strange impossible night we never really had the same connection again like we did before. And many of the songs came from that place, not to mention other incidents at that time that sparked the life sucks record. These were the more or less too serious songs that I had been writing over the years that just couldn’t be made in the bands that I was in. 
The making of the first three albums was a very strange experience... the studio was my laundry room, that I first converted into an art studio, where I started painting a group of acrylic pictures portraying things found in the fukachuk world. Terry and I were going out late at night on crazy drives around the city drinking many cups of coffee. Mine was filled with hazelnut cream, at any rate by the time I got home it was usually around 2 in the morning, and I was buzzing like a maniac from all the caffeine. It was this time of night and state of caffeine high where I made almost all the songs on the first three records... I was escaping from the sad world I had to live during the day. I wasn't sleeping very much if at all at this time and had unreal problems going on with my life during the day. The first record, rats and perineum, was a plea for me to be set free, to stay where I was happy, downtown wandering the streets and being with the people who felt like I was worth knowing... I think it was around the space between rats and perineum and the second record, low fidelity sell out, when I lost my day job. I worked in a cigar shop downtown and one day I was robbed, one of the robbers distracted me while the other one grabbed the money I was preparing for deposit and took off... it took me a moment to realize what had happened and when I did, I took off in pursuit of the robber. I chased them out of the mall and on to the street where they got into a cab and tried to escape. I jumped onto the back of the cab and started banging on the window in order to get the cabby to stop the car, I slipped off the back of the cab, but by this time the security guards from the mall were on the way over to the car where it stopped... they got the robber, but I guess they handed the money off to the other guy who was doing the distraction, cuz she didn't have the money on her... they eventually found the other guy and everything was fine, but in the meantime I got fired for leaving the store alone. At any rate this incident didn't help me feel any better about the world... and now I was stuck without a job. But me and Terry continued to drive around every night and even had a strange electro magnetic experience that still can not be explained... so filled with caffeine night after night I would go into the little laundry room and make my songs. I helped terry record his solo album in there at around this time also. Leroy Dyes goes to Hell. 
So that was the first three albums.. it was a horribly painful experience making them all… especially lost lizard girl, which I might add doesn’t have a single electric guitar part on it. Lost lizard girl was after I realized that the lizard girl was truly lost forever. After a few months of getting over that experience I started work on giant killer robots, which was supposed to be purely industrial instrumental music, and for the most part it was. Remember the strange electro magnetic experience that me and terry had while cruising around in his truck… well at any rate we blamed giant killer robots for the disturbance.. and we went out night after night armed with a camera trying to catch a picture of one of these mutant machines in action trying to take over the world… we got a few shots, but sadly I have lost most of these pictures.. only one relatively bad copy of one of them seems to exist any more. But that is what spawned the record. The record tells the story of the giant killer robots rise to power and how they eventually have a war with humanity and take over the planet. It is reminiscent of the die spinne album we made in 1995, Meat Master. That was also a musical tale of how the world is taken over, but by aliens that time... and how in the end there are only two men left. But they manage to repopulate the planet because of all the radiation they were subjected to during the war… On Giant Killer Robots there is one song with singing, Ice Cream… it was at the end of side one on the cassette and I think it was needed to break up the mayhem. Giant Killer Robots wasn’t recorded in the laundry room where the previous three were, I had to move the equipment out in to the living room of our little basement apartment. The laundry room started becoming filled with laundry, and it was no longer a place to escape from the outside world. GKR was still made in the middle of the night though, after everyone was asleep… One of the songs, ‘the decapitation of GR4’ I did a part in there where it is the robot’s voice saying ‘where is my head… where is my head…’ at any rate I guess I was too loud and I woke up my son, who was only about 2 or 3 at the time… for weeks after that he would go around saying ‘where is my head!’ I used a computer for the first time on that record, but not like I do now. I downloaded some horrible, crappy beat making program and made the beats for some of the songs on that record with it. I would record the beats from the computer onto a tape and play that while I was playing the key boards… it was pretty bad.. but I survived. 
Between GKR and the next record popsicle sticks and tape I had lost my home, my family, most of what I owned, everything… I lived on the streets for a few days, slept under a bridge and finally went to go live with my mother again. It was pretty humiliating, but at least I was warm and dry. When I listen to popsicle sticks I find it odd that it wasn’t very depressing… like it was pretty sad at some points but not like ‘three sticks’ depressing. It is an okay album... possibly my least favourite though… there wasn’t much substance in it I suppose. The high points for me are ‘I got someone to love’ and ‘mental institute’ that latter of which was a ‘secret’ song placed about 10 minutes after the last track on the album. These were old dads with no face songs, and were about things that didn’t even have anything to do with my life right then... however it was very interesting that I chose mental institute to be the last song on that album, because the subject matter of that song (which was from 1992) stepped back into my life and became the whole theme of the following record three sticks. 
Three sticks came out in the magical year of 2000, perhaps the best year of my life and perhaps one of the most depressing. Strange how they go hand in hand. Three Sticks may still be my favorite record I have made, it was at any rate by far the most emotional. Written and recorded at the most vulnerable points I have ever had, I was drunk a lot of the time, or up for days on end and completely engrossed in lost love and the hope for a future I would never have. The three sticks were preventing me night after night from reaching the tree and that’s why I named the album after them. Night Driving is a song about how running away from al the things I wanted most in my life at that point. Stilt man was about the reckless behavior I was engaging in at that time, and about the failures of what I had done over the last couple years, and about painful things from my youth. Tree of no reason was re-made for this record, not that there was anything particularly wrong with the version on rats and perineum but I thought it was needed to be restated again for this venture. Turtle’s age was about a relationship I had the previous year with a girl who was very strange indeed. Closure is what I believe to be the signature song on this record... it described everything I was going through at that point. It was recorded at about four o’clock in the morning and I had drank a bottle of wine. I was on the floor just crying while I was singing it. Crawling was the first song I recorded for three sticks, it is about my selfish inability to let other people be happy. Boarder menu is an odd song… it has a sample I got of a girl giving herself an orgasm at the beginning, simply to compliment the words about me going insane. It made sense to me at the time. As you can see all of these songs are pretty much true stories… even porno-perno-pie, which is about the joys of youth being taken away by forces beyond your control. Box shaped dragon tattoo is about the first time I met the woman who I would eventually marry. I didn’t really know her at all when I wrote the song, it was just later that night after we first were introduced at a local club. The song is about how I met someone so beautiful but I could barely function because I was so wrapped up in all these other things that were going on with me. Watchtower (subscription form) was written after I found out that was every little bit of happiness I was getting out of the strange journey I was leading myself on was about to end.. if you read it, you see what I mean. The whole thing is true. And the longest April… well it was the longest April of my life. It was attempt at some form of closure on the events that took place.
During all this insanity that was going on surrounding three sticks is when I met Elaine Boyling, she was a strange musician from the UK who I received a message from on an internet web site. She was asking me something about what movies I liked, or Johnny Depp, or The Cure or something, I ended up going to her web site and downloading some of her music, it was the weirdest shit I had ever heard in my life.. one song was about an angel in the frozen food section of the supermarket or something… she sent me a tape with more on it and I was hooked. She had an amazing voice and she was just as absorbed in a fantasy world as I was. We became good friends and decided to make an album together it was called Fukachuk Pandora Machine - farewell footing and the topiary geraniums. I made it at the same time as the next fukachuk egg machine album ‘trip music’ and even included a song sung by Elaine on trip music, she also had parts on a few other songs on that album. Trip music was an experiment in music, as was the record with Elaine. I was using new equipment and programs to create the music that allowed me to create a lot of sequences and things like that. It was an attempt to free myself from the depression that had consumed the first half of the year… it was all about a trip, a trip to a happier place, and the album plays out that way. At the end of the record is the song ‘by my tree’ and the trip is completed. By my tree is my favorite song on this record, no crazy loops or synthesized music, just a guitar. Actually three guitars, but it sounds a lot simpler that the rest of the album. Lizard girl was remade for the record, the song appears right before by my tree and is a lot more grand and exciting than the original version.
Between this record and the next one, ‘the box’ I became good friends with Amanda, began dating her, moved out with her, and decided to marry her. It was a lot to take in, in such a short period of time to say the least. The box was about feeling somewhat trapped in the decisions I made. Amanda did some vocal parts on the album that turned out really well. Originally it was a two disc set, I even made a few copies that way.. there were a lot of extra songs on there and some instrumental stuff… I thought it dragged on too long and cut it all down to fit on one CD. This record is comparable to three sticks in a few ways. Firstly it is really enjoyable to listen to, I think it sounds great, the words are really important, and they all mean a lot. The back cover of the album contains items taken from my ‘magic shelf.’ It is a shelf I have had in my house for many, many years, it keeps growing and acquiring more and more items, all of which have magical properties. Or at least things that mean a lot to me.. mostly a bunch or rocks and sticks and stuff… some ashtrays given to me by certain people and stuff… things from the magic shelf also appear in the video for ‘airport ‘ that came out a few years after the box. It was around this time that fukachuk egg machine played its first live show. One day me and Amanda and Paul Whittington went down to the rail tracks and filmed the movie of the box. It starred Amanda as Jenny and her trip down the tracks she meets a lizard and a beaver and is told some secrets. She turns in to Sindy and murders a man sitting on the tracks. The man is supposed be Jeremy, and was played by Paul. So I took this film to an art gallery downtown during a series of performance art pieces. I projected the film onto a large wall and played a live soundtrack for it. This would be the way fukachuk shows would continue to be like even to this day. It was a success, and let a lot more people know about what fukachuk was all about.. even if they never really understood. Such is the way of things I guess.
The next record, A day on marble street, even though it was an experiment with new ways of making music like trip music was, it retained all the underlined depth in the songs that I was trying to go for. The whole album takes place in the fukachuk world, and starts off in surgery boy’s room just out side of the city, it goes from there into the city and outlines the things that take place on marble street. Marble street is right next to Jubalee street, which isn’t a street so much as it is an alley where the frog man lives. He is a disgusting seedy character who deals in narcotics and hate. Tumble down the marble home is about breaking down hate, and smashing it into nothing. Gazelle Man was sort of autobiographical, like man named me from lost lizard girl but not as harsh, or obvious. My life was moving towards a more sinister and confusing place while all of this was happening, and I believe it shows on The Town Fair.
The town Fair is an album completely about madness, apathy, and being stuck in the city. All the songs were cut between random guitar noise and recordings that were made first thing in the morning while Amanda was still half asleep, and could remember the dreams she had the previous night. There isn’t a single song about something that went right on that record. And it is all seen through the eyes of the gentle boneless leg dog, completely unable to show any emotion to the chaos around him. The one exception may be ‘save me’ which I recorded the vocals for in the middle of the night on my 28th birthday. I was very intoxicated, and you can take that song as you want to. But only I know what it is truly about. The town fair comes to the city once in a blue moon, and invites all sorts of mayhem and madness to its fair grounds, the boy is there, and he is scared as hell, but won’t leave until the sun goes down and the park is empty. The aliens that hover above the city are closing in on him, but he can’t move, or scream, or care at all. 
Two films came out of this album, the sequels to the box. The Pet, which is the conclusion, and room number four, which takes place between the other two. Room number four follows Sindy through her transformation and madness, where helped by un unknown force in her dreams, she builds the baby dog. The baby dog is talked about on ‘a day on Marble Street’ in the song ‘support group,’ as is Sindy, who is Jenny’s evil alter ego. In the film ‘the pet,’ the baby dog stalks and attacks the girl who avoids animals, but finally wins her love in the end. These films were shown and performed live like the box was. And the trilogy is now complete. That’s not to say that there won’t be more films for the fukachuk ideals, but they may start to go in a new direction. Only time will tell I suppose.

I realize this may all just sound like insane ramblings of a very disturbed person, but it should be taken more as metaphors for things that go on in the lives of everyone, rather than in a literal way. Well at least for now. All I know is it helps to keep things in some sort of order, and applies some logic to a world (the real world) that doesn’t really make any sense or have any meaning at all, well none that I can see on a daily basis. Fukachuk egg machine is an ongoing process and changes with every album and every song. I don’t intend to quit, regardless of my lack of support, money or fame. The whole point is that these songs are real, a record of one Polish kid’s life. I won’t try to pretend that I don’t do it for purely funky musical reasons as well, but that is all a part of the story that has unfolded over the last 12 years or so since me and terry got together in my mom’s basement and recorded the tree of reason. A tree that I am still looking for, and probably will remain looking for, for the rest of my life.

Part 2
The Gentle Boneless Leg Dog Discovers The City, and beyond.
So The Boneless Leg Dog had left his room that was outside the city, it was surrounded by the sticks that appeared only in threes, and try as he may, he could not pass through them to journey to the tree of reason. The only thing he could do was to head back. but by this time, Mary Kettle had moved in to his room, she had made a home for herself and there was nothing he could do. he tried to warn her that she wouldn't be happy there, and it was nothing more than a place of sorrow and limbo, where life didn't really quite exist. she assured him that the lizards has already told her this, and she didn't care in the least. she knew that she could be happy, no matter where or what was happening around her. The Boneless Leg Dog realized that Mary Kettle was far better off than he ever was, and decided that he should find out all about life in the city. For that was where Mary Kettle had come from. The city is a dark place, and there is danger around every corner.. especially the corner that leads to Jubalee Street. The Frog Man was waiting for The Gentle Boneless Leg Dog, and he had a very very long talk with him. they talked for days that turned in to weeks, that turned in to months.. and by the end of it, The Boneless Leg Dog wasn't so gentle any more. But perhaps.. it wasn't that bad. The Boneless Leg Dog realized that happiness wasn't necessarily something that could be written on a wall.. or something that had rules attached to it. It wasn't even something that could totally be achieved. Not ever. He had to do the best he could in the short time he had. Because there is nothing wrong with happiness. Happiness is something that requires an awful lot of pain.
This is what the record Boneless Leg Dog Discovers the City was about.. all of this and a lot more. It was recorded in the summer of 2004. And there isn't much more that can be said about it. It was truly an album of discovery and an understanding about the world around that perhaps it could be altered and changed. And that perhaps the frog man wasn't as corrupt as once thought. 

The movie "The Three Sticks" came from this album. It is a story about how surgery boy had moved to the city and was influenced by aliens to punish Sindy for all the wrongs she had committed since her metamorphosis from Jenny. The Babydog helped surgery boy reach salvation by helping him find his way to the three sticks. The sticks told him secrets and helped him realize that what he did was in fact part of a grand plan. The movie wasn't played live like all the previous ones and contained actual songs from the album. Dead Horse Store, This Nothing, and Three Sticks. It was however played in a loop over 3 days at the Birds and Stone underground art festival. 
After that record I had decided that I couldn't be fukachuk for a while and I started work on the Blaise Kolodychuk Album. Most of it was me and an acoustic guitar, and some of it was very odd indeed. I didn't want to make music for anyone but myself.. these were songs that I had to sing in order to keep going on with my life in a reasonable way. The whole record is mostly about frustration with the city, and how the frog man didn't explain everything. And the consequences of everything that has happened over the last few years. And how the boneless leg dog wanted to leave. There was something else out there.. a place called Gilbert Town. No one who lived in the city knew about it.. and the people who lived in the forest and among the sticks didn't want anyone to know. Gilbert Town was near the ocean and was run by gypsies, circus people and scientists. At any rate the Blaise Kolodychuk record was about being stuck in the city, and suddenly finding out that there was even more in the world than anyone had ever been told before. But knowing that you could never leave, not even for a holiday.
At this point Elaine Boyling was becoming more intermingled in the music of fukachuk egg machine, she contributed to many things, we started working on a new Death Ray Gun album. Death Ray Gun was created about a year before this, as a project that at least for me meant a great many things. And on my side, it was also deeply rooted in a sister mythology that went along side the fukachuk world. She probably has her own reasons for contributing to it. Anyway we started making the new record, Hoojib Island. I really don't know how much more I can say about Hoojib Island.. but it is a place, as far as I am concerned.

That brings us to beautiful robot. The robot wasn't really a robot at all, it was just something manufactured, something that could be turned off and on.. something in one's own mind i suppose. The record is about a lot of things, but the whole thing is a dream a dream of what Gilbert Town may or may not be like. Beautiful Robot is a very personal record, perhaps there hasn't been enough time yet for me to fully explain what it really meant. But it is a series of stories about possibilities in a manufactured dream. It has a different flavour than many of the previous records, because it took place very far away from the city and the sticks. 
The film that came from this record was entitled The Tragedy of Mary Kettle. And even though the record takes place in Gilbert Town, the movie continues with the story from the rest of the films. Mary Kettle has moved in to Surgery Boy's House, and she can feel the wrongs that have taken place there, and she is desperate to let anyone who passes through to know that even though there are many obstacles there is still really a tree... and it isn't impossible, no matter how much it feels that way. So she writes her story on the floor of the room and leaves. She finds herself in another abandoned house, where there once was hope, and waiting for her is babydog, who is determined to stop Mary Kettle from trying to spread any hope to the desperate people who may be looking for salvation. She believes that there could be some good in everything, and babydog is no exception. He betrays her trust and strips her naked and wraps her in plastic, putting her in a running bathtub while he watches her drown from another room on a television set that is connected to a camera in the bathtub room. Even in death Mary Kettle holds on to hope, and after she is gone Jenny, who has been absolved of her sins by the aliens comes to turn the water off.. unfortunately she is a little too late. This was performed live, using the songs Broken Ice, No Monkeys, and Bathtub full of Lilies, at the Asian Film festival in the Calgary Science Center. 
The next fukachuk egg machine record was a package full of something. This was only one song, but it is about forty minutes long. This record takes place in Gilbert Town, and in the City as well. The song is in five parts. Part one is the rage and madness that sends him to the ocean. Part two is the search for truth in the water. Part three is the journey by train to the city and the emptiness of that horrible place. And Part Four is the story of the girl in the high school, and how she is overcome with a need and a feeling to have some change. The boy comes but he is too late, and the cats who live in the tree of reason stop the girl as she is about to make a very grave mistake. Part Five is a look back on the day's events, and a realization that it was all useless.

To be continued..

Transcribed videos

Part 1: the Tree, The Nameless Boy, and Surgery Boy
It’s been a very very long time and I guess I’m getting older but I’ve got a lot more older to get. At any rate this is the story of the tree of reason. Well I guess it’s a story, I don’t know if it’s an explanation maybe, it’s definitely a story of some sort. Well its more of a series of tales I guess and it’s a feeling and its like trying to explain a feeling, is so hard, but you try to explain it anyway. It’s got a beginning, I think, as far as I know, and there’s lots of middle. I don’t know the end. I know what the end should be I don’t know what it is exactly. Well I guess it all started with the boneless leg dog. Boneless leg dog isn’t a dog any more than the baby dog is a dog. The boneless leg dog is a thing not a person, maybe it’s a man, I don’t think it is a man. It’s nothing. The boneless leg dog wasn’t always the boneless leg dog. It was the boy. But he wasn’t the boy from later on, so make sure you remember that. He was a different boy. The nameless boys. There was a lot of nameless boys. And it’s too bad. But this nameless boy in particular, he lived in a place outside of the forest. He eventually became surgery boy, and how he became surgery boy is as such: things were taken away from him. All the good things that make up what’s important were taken away from the boy. He was stripped down to nothing. He wasn’t allowed to do the things he needed to do. He wasn’t allowed to feel happy anymore. He wasn’t allowed to have pleasure. He wasn’t allowed anything. And as such his heart was taken away. Physically taken away. Cut out, all the way down, removed. And that’s why they started calling him surgery boy.

Part 2: Surgery Boy, The Frog Man, and The City
Where was I? Surgery boy. Surgery boy sat in the room outside of the forest of the three sticks, where the sticks grew only in threes. And he waited for something. And he waited and he waited, and he waited. All this time there was a city, over the hill and in the beginning the city was very small. It wasn’t a city at all. The problem with the city is that there was a frog man. The frog man was not a nice fellow. And the city would decay, slowly, fall to pieces, collapse, and build itself up again, and collapse again, all coming from where the frog man was. It’s up to you to decide if he was an actual frog or not. The fact of the matter is that things were bad all around him. People were drawn to him. There was a great many people in the city. And after the frog man, there was a great many more. Cos that’s what people are drawn to. That sort of thing. And I haven’t even said anything about the tree. Maybe its because I don’t know anything about the tree. Or maybe I know everything. See it’s that sort of confusion that just jumbles up the whole thing. There is a tree past the forest, you see. I’m not sure what the reason for it is.

Part 3: The Tree The Frog Man, and The Boneless Leg Dog
So I guess the reason, the reason for everything is the tree. That’s why it’s the tree of reason. But nobody really seems to know the reason. But it doesn’t make much of a difference. The reasons are different for everybody. My point is that it was the frog man. He is what brought it all on to everyone. He is the reason that the boneless leg dog exists at all. The boneless leg dog was in the house, outside of the forest of the three sticks, and he could hear it, he could hear it happening, he could feel it inside of him. And he lived his whole life in this room. This room that just over looked these horrible, horrible visions of the symbol of blocking, blocking you from getting anywhere near the reason for it all. That’s all he knew. He knew what had been taken away from him. But he could feel it happening in the city. And the boneless leg dog had to go there. He had to go there but he couldn’t do anything about it. So much had happened to him. He was afraid to touch anyone. And so he just blended in, almost invisible, but he watched, and he was always there. And somehow just him being there stopped the decay, just for a moment here and there, to help people just get a little bit closer. The frog man never stopped them. What the frog man would do is, he would steal the rain. Anything that was meant to help this tree, help it grow and live and be everything it could be, and the frog man would steal the rain. And it wasn’t just rain it meant so much more. And the sick, sick people that lived in the city would take the rain and use it for whatever. Whatever sick things they needed to do with it. The frog man lived on jubilee street. It wasn’t a street so much as an alleyway. People would come and visit him, and the walls would crumble around him. And he would just delight in every moment of it. Everybody goes to visit the frog man at some point. Some people go visit the frog man all the time.

Part 4: Marble Street, Jenny's Step and Jeremy
There is another street in the city, Marble Street, and a great many things happened on marble street. Jenny lives on marble street. Jenny and the boy. Not the surgery boy boy but the second boy. When I say second, he was, he lived a lot longer after the original boy began, although they did occupy the same time. Now Jenny was a girl. And Jenny is very important. Jenny lived in a pink house. With a very beautiful step in front of it. A concrete step for Jenny. And her house was facing the opposite way. It didn’t, you couldn’t see the forest of the three sticks from where Jenny’s step was, but she was on the edge of the town, she was on the border. But she was looking the opposite way. And Jenny would stand out on her step and she would stare out and she would see hope, but she couldn’t see anything else you know, and after the frog man came, the hope went away and the hope went out of Jenny. But she would stand on that step every day still. And the boy would walk past her house on his way to where he was going each day, and he didn’t have a name, and he was just called the boy, another nameless boy. He wasn’t nameless for any good reason he was just nameless because he needed something. And Jenny would stare off into the distance and the boy would pass her day by day, she wouldn’t even notice he was there most of the time. And one day she did notice, and she invited the boy inside, and she gave the boy a name. And his name was Jeremy. And Jenny and Jeremy became the best of friends. And the boneless leg dog saw all of this, and he gave them a little bit of hope, because it was gone by that point. The hope fluctuated, and sometimes Jeremy would need some rain. And sometimes Jenny needed something as well. And sometimes Jenny would go to the other side of town. And she would see those sticks off in the distance, even though she knew there was something beyond them. The fear of those sticks, like knives in her chest. But Jenny and Jeremy were still the best of friends.

Part 5: What it all means, sort of...
I was talking about Jeremy and Jenny and how Jenny gave Jeremy his name, see when Jeremy used to walk past Jenny’s house every day he was going over the hill. The hills where Jenny would look out at every day, off her step, and he would go to his job. And his job was to sell eggs, and I just thought you should know that. So a lot happened with Jeremy and Jenny and they lived a very long time together and they did a great many things and the trouble with what I am trying to do here with this is there’s too much to tell and I can just sort of give her a general like synopsis of what happened with these people and sort of what their roles may be in all this. The stories of what they do in all the little things, the things that are truly important, the thing, the actions and the decision they made, its all there, its there for you to read and listen to and its all in the music, but I’m hopefully just trying to sort it out a bit. Cos the things that are said in the songs could, the point is they do mean anything, and they could mean anything, but this is what it means to me. So these are the people and the place and the feelings behind what it all is about. So there’s hundreds of songs, and each one of them has something to do with all of this, and before I’m done there’s quite a possibility that there will be hundreds more and it probably just won’t stop, its like trying to tell the behaviours and actions and everything that someone does for their whole life but doing it for so many people. Because everything that you do is so important. Everything. You can’t take anything that’s done for granted. And so I’m just, it’s a generalisation of what these people are. And it may not be doing them the rightful justice that they deserve, but it is something, you know, it’s a little bit more information. And it’s just as important as the rest of it I guess.

Part 6: Jenny, and the baby dog, and Sindy
So Jenny and Jeremy lived together for a very long time. Jenny and Jeremy were just like anybody else but they just fed off of each other and they might have fed off each other too much and something happened to Jenny, and when this happened to Jenny, this something, it started to turn her, turn her mind inside out. And this thing that was happening to Jenny it was, I don’t know where it came from, I don’t have all the answers, but it was something called the baby dog. And as insane as that sounds, it’s not something to be taken lightly. And at first it was just a feeling inside her, its all about these, it’s a feeling, this whole thing is a feeling. And at first it was a feeling inside of her and then it grew and it grew and it grew and her mind was trying to understand and rejecting. The way Jenny grew up see, when Jenny was a little girl, she had a family. She did. And she had an older sister. And her older sister’s name was Partridge Mary Rosencamp. And Partridge Mary Rosencamp is another tale, I’ll get to that later, but at one point Jenny became all alone. And it really defined who she was for the rest of her life, until she stopped becoming, after she stopped being Jenny. And after the baby dog entered inside of her, it mixed up everything in there and then it came out. And when it came out it wasn’t the baby dog that killed Jeremy, it was Jenny, and Jenny became Sindy. You see. And Sindy was Jenny only a completely different side of her, and its almost as though when the baby dog left her it was almost as thought he ripped something out with it. The creator of the baby dog, now that’s something to wonder about. And it’s up for interpretation really. Is it Jenny? Was it Jenny all along? Was it inside Jenny waiting, year after year after year. Or did something place it inside of her? Was it the sticks that she used to go stare at once in a while on the other side of town? It’s a very... it does matter but the fact that you don’t know matters just as much, but my point is, Jenny killed Jeremy. She killed him and he was dead, and then Jenny became Sindy.

Part 7: Sindy and Boarder Town
And Sindy was an interesting lady indeed. She didn’t have time to stand on the steps and look out at the hills the way Jenny did. Sindy, though she would drink the rain and she would wander the streets and she would do things that nice girls don’t do, she was much more involved in her community, even though it’s the community of the town, the boarder town, which isn’t, you know, it isn’t any different than any other community. Everybody there has an interesting story and an interesting tale, and something to hide, and something that they’re probably proud of and something that somebody else somewhere is proud of them for, but Sindy was a part of it now, she wasn’t simply on the edge of town any more. Sindy, she’s got a job and she made friends and she did so much more with her life and it makes you wonder, was the baby dog a good thing for her life? Was killing Jeremy something that needed to take place in order for her to fully realise the things that she could do? No, you know, the thing is, no, its not, she wasn’t doing good things. Sure she was being a part of the rest of it but no, she was closer to getting past the forest of the three sticks when she was starting out at her step, on her step, than she ever was talking to people and being a part of. What she did was she got a job, she became, she ran, she was like organiser of a support facility where people with problems would go and her and she had other counsellors, and she would try to help these people using various means, you know, it wasn’t just talking, it was things, and you know the baby dog was always whispering things in her ear, telling her. Oh well Sindy was something else, when she came around, and she made everybody’s head turn when she walked down the street.

Part 8: Jeremy, The Boneless Leg Dog, and Zombie Boy
So Jeremy, Jeremy was dead but his story isn’t over with his death. There’s more. And his story gets so clouded in dreams its hard to possibly explain with words exactly what it all mean, but the point is her went for a journey. The boneless leg dog, he found Jeremy after his death and he talked to Jeremy for a very very long time because this was unexpected for him. He’s a man, you know, well he’s not a man, well he’s a boy, but he was frightened and he didn’t understand what he had done wrong. And the boneless leg dog tried to help him. And the boneless leg dog, he took Jeremy on quite the journey, and what they did was, the journey took a very long time, and it was all done at night, and by the end of it Jeremy understood. He understood that what happened to him had to happen in order for Jenny to understand what, in order for Jenny to undergo the transformation that took her to the place that she ended up in and by the end of the journey, Jeremy wasn’t Jeremy anymore, he was the zombie boy. And that’s what I called him. And after that, well, see there’s so many tales, you know, there’s so many stories, its what is, what’s important for me to tell you now, and what’s important for you to discover on your own, with something like that, with the zombie boy, he’s so so intertwined into everything you can’t explain it all, its like every story I could ever possibly tell you there’s slivers and shadows of him everywhere. Just like the boneless leg dog, but not like the boneless leg dog, he is done his part. Now, his part was strictly for Jenny’s part, he had lived, during his life he was important, and during his death he was important. And that’s it, well you know that’s not it because there’s more to it and he met other people, and he never really stops. So Jeremy’s story doesn’t end. Jeremy’s story continues on and on with everybody else’s story. And that’s all I can say about the zombie boy, that Jeremy’s transformation into the zombie boy was important because of Jenny’s transformation into Sindy, and nobody stays static and nobody is gonna, you know, remain the same forever and ever, and that’s Jeremy and the zombie boy, one and the same.

Part 9: The Tree, The Lizard Girl and the Lizards
So Sindy is off doing her thing right now. Jeremy has made, it wasn’t a sacrifice because he was murdered, you know, but there’s still a reason for it all, and there’s still the tree. And the tree is beyond the forest of the three sticks which is past the town, boarder town, which is part of a larger place which hopefully I can talk about more. The tree. It’s a hidden place. Its not somewhere a lot of people have been, to say the least. And so accounts of the tree are a little sketchy, lets say. What is known is that the tree is taken care of. The tree is taken care of by the lizard girl. And the lizard girl tends to it, takes care of its every need, protects it, and the lizard girl also takes care of the lizards, who also take care of the tree. The lizards will sometimes go into town, the lizards will go past the forest of the three sticks because they will not be harmed, the lizards, you know, they are protectors, you know and they will take care of you, they will take care of the tree, they will take care of anyone that they think they should. And the lizards are so bloody important. Without them there would be no tree, it would just be gone by now, you know, it would be nothing, and without the lizard girl taking care of it all its just worthless and pointless, so, you know, they are not the tree, but without, you know, its all symbiotic you know, the whole thing and, ok so the lizard girl, she’s a girl, and she’s going to tell you what’s what and she’s beautiful and caring and everything you could think of, it’s a dedication of your life to something that you believe in fully and completely and honestly, you know, the lizard girl and the lizards and the tree, you know, everything goes in threes even those bloody sticks.

Part 10: The Lizards and The City
There is more to say about the lizard girl and she came to town one day and she knows about the boneless leg dog and the lizards are part of his being, and the lizards take care of him, and the lizards take care of Sindy and the lizards take care of all the other people who live in the town, there’s so many people. And it’s a functional town you know, there’s school and there’s a factory and there’s a church and there’s the streets and there’s shops, there’s a pet shop, and there’s a flower store and there’s the abandoned egg shop across the other side of the hill, and you know, it would fall to pieces without things like the lizards and without things like the boneless leg dog. That’s the guts of the tree it has to be taken care of. Even though its so important it too has to be taken care of by somebody, and the thing that takes care of the tree is the lizard girl, and the thing that takes care of the lizard girl is the lizards, and the thing that takes care of the lizards is the lizard, you know it all goes in circles, you know, nobody takes, nobody has the ability to completely take care of themselves at any time, and that’s not a sad thing, that’s a true thing, and it’s a good thing, and the only thing that would be sad would be if you didn’t think you needed anybody for anything ever, and you know that’s a recurring sort of thing here. There’s another room. You know there’s the room just beyond the three sticks where the boneless leg dog was created and the boy lived, there’s another room that’s underground. And that’s quite the room indeed. And I just thought it deserved a mention.

Part 11: The Tragedy of Mary Kettle and the Road to Gilbert Town
Going back to the room that the boneless leg dog lived in, well, somebody else lived in that room after the boneless leg dog left, it was part of her, a long story, that involves her, her name is Mary Kettle. And Mary Kettle, she did end up in the boneless leg dog’s room for quite some time, but her story begins in the city as well. Mary Kettle, she was victimised quite severely, not really by Sindy so much as the baby dog, but you know, what is it? What is the baby dog? Is it a force? Is it a feeling? Is it an emotion? It’s all of these things. Is it something physical? It’s all of those things. And Mary Kettle was victimised and brutalised by this baby dog, and she was on her own search for the tree, you know, once in a while there will be one that pops off and it’s like I’m going to go and I’m going to do this, and she was that, and she was victimised and brutalised and all sorts of things and she ended up running away from town. She had heard that the tree was beyond the forest of the three sticks, but before she got there she found the boneless leg dog’s room, and she found all the things that had happened to him, the rules on the wall, and everything about it, you know, and it affected her so deeply, you know, and she couldn’t put it behind her after that, you know, she couldn’t even make it to the forest of the three sticks, she couldn’t get past the three sticks, it stops at that room, and it’s a, its the tragedy of Mary Kettle, you know, she had such hope inside of her and she was finding things out that nobody in that town had ever found out before. And she couldn’t take it any more, and Mary Kettle drowned, Mary Kettle drowned in the lake. Because the lake is sort of where you make that choice you know, if you go one way you get to those sticks. If you pass them anything could happen, if you get past them. Go the other way, you go to a completely different place, completely different town. Is it a lake is it the river, doesn’t matter, its some sort of water, body of water, one way leads to almost, you know, death, those sticks those nasty sticks oh my lord, and the other way leads to something hidden that you’re not supposed to talk about, and that hidden thing is something called gilbert town, you know, boarder town, gilbert town, the room, the underground room, the lake, river, that flows that you can’t see past, the forest, beyond that, you get your tree of reason don’t you, its all connected though.

Part 12: Gilbert Town, Partridge Mary Rosencamp, Dr. Hedges and Daphne
I was telling you about gilbert town and how that plays into the rest of this. You think everything’s so simple, you’ve got it all set out, there’s the city and there’s, its almost a definite path straight there but you know it isn’t, it isn’t straight and it isn’t a path to there and at some point you discover there’s a gilbert town and it makes you wonder are you heading for the right place at all? Should you be heading for this other town? This is something new, its something hidden and its something secret, and what happens there? And see this is what happened to Partridge Mary Rosencamp, Jenny’s older sister, that’s where she went. That’s where she left to and that’s what turned Jenny into what she was, and that’s why Jenny could never leave the city, and that’s why Jenny turned into Sindy. Because her sister, Partridge Mary Rosencamp left the city one day not to go and find the tree of reason but she left to find gilbert town. And she found it, and she belonged there, you know, it’s a question of how to, do you know that you’re not supposed to be in this city? Do you know that you’re supposed to be in gilbert town? Why is it so appealing? What’s there? What’s there that the city doesn’t have to offer? I’ll tell you, there’s no frog man there but there’s no boneless leg dog, he doesn’t belong there. And is there a train that goes directly there and I’ll tell you what, there is. And that’s, its almost, the underground room is a direct link right there. Gilbert town, the most appealing thing about it is probably its mystery, it’s not like the city, it isn’t built up of bricks and streets the way the city is. There’s a zoo there. The thing about it is you could call it a circus town. The circus stays. The circus is from gilbert town. There’s a fair there every night. And the circus performers perform their acts and the only time anybody from the city gets to think about it is when the circus comes to town but nobody questions where it comes from its been happening for so long, and gilbert town is much older than the city, and maybe that’s why, they’re not so caught up in this automated sort of system that the city, that boarder town has. Its gypsies and circus folk and you know something good, and there isn’t the badness that you can find coming from jubilee street and that’s where Partridge Mary Rosencamp went. And that’s where Daphne lives, and there are people from the city there who have made there way there like Partridge. Gilbert town’s a wonderful place, but on the outskirts of gilbert town, nothing escapes at all, and that’s where dr hedges lives. See he did use the bricks, and he did use the sticks to build his building and even though the things he does inside that building, you know, everything that’s created has its purpose, sometimes the way its gone about is just wrong. Maybe I’m getting far too ahead of myself but, you know, makes you wonder what did he create. He’s a doctor after all, somebody had to perform the surgery. Somebody built the box.

Part 13: The Fukachuk Egg Machine and Why
The fukachuk egg machine, I should discuss exactly what that is. That is me trying to tell these stories. And even though this is just some kind of world with people seemingly made up and actions and reactions and Jenny and Daphne and the rest of it, it’s happening right now and its happening every day and its happening to me and its happening to you. And maybe it’s the only way that a lot of this can be explained. And it’s important. Like I said before, there’s millions and millions of stories and things that are so important happening, right now, that it’s a shame that its not all getting told and recorded. And who is Jenny and who are these people, and who is the frog man, and most importantly of all what is the tree of reason. Well, I think the point is that’s up to each person to decide, and up to each person to see for themselves what it is that I’m trying to say. Fukachuk egg machine itself, where it started was, I think it was 1993 when I sang the song the tree of reason and that song had, well, its been building up forever really. And I realised that there is a way for it to all come out, that was it, that was the day, sitting in that basement playing guitar sitting on the floor with Terry playing drums. That was the day that it all started. The first time Fukachuk played was 5 years later. Fukachuk is a name. but between that point I was searching for the tree of reason in a very real way. And maybe what happened was when Fukachuk Egg Machine decided to put words to these things that are happening. Maybe that was really the start of when the tree could be found, and the only thing you can do is read every single lyric and listen to every single song and put it together like a puzzle to find out exactly what it means to you. I don’t think the tree of reason is completely obtainable but its not complete loss of hope because along the way I have found out that maybe that isn’t the reason behind the tree, it could be for some people but I don’t know, things like gilbert town and all the rest of it, the zoo and the boots and the car at the bottom of the river, I don’t know what the tree of reason is. But I think I’m starting to understand.